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Additional Materials for 

Opera Company  and 

Academic Institution Review 

If you would like information regarding my work that is not found on the Educator page or my website in general, please send me an email through the CONTACT page.  


I am more than happy to provide you with any additional information as soon as possible.


 Thank you, 


"Skiba's first-rate stage direction was vivid and emotionally charged.""

-The Plain Dealer

"Skiba used every inch of space to maximum effect"

"Skiba found and brought out a variety of subtle nuances in his staging"

- Cleveland Classical

"Skiba had the cast racing about the stage and around

the theater with Swiss clock-like precision."

- The Plain Dealer

© 2021 Scott Skiba

"Skiba’s canny direction and use of space allowed facial expressions and the smallest of gestures to read clearly to the back row."

-Cleveland Classical

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